
OP21.05: Increased fetal nuchal translucency: Is diastolic cardiac function gender dependent?

Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology(2008)

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A maturational delay in diastolic cardiac function development has been suggested to explain the higher incidence of male fetuses with an increased nuchal translucency (NT). Determination of gender related differences in diastolic cardiac function in fetuses with an increased nuchal translucency (NT). Cardiac echo Doppler measurements at 11–14 and 18–23 weeks gestation and determination of ductus venosus pulsatility index (DVPIV) at 11–14 weeks in: 81 fetuses with an increased NT, normal karyotype and heart (39 serial) 44 fetuses with normal karyotype, NT and heart (15 serial). Diastolic function: E and A wave, E/A ratio and E/TVI across atrioventricular valves. Global cardiac function: Myocardial Performance Index (MPI). Statistics: Two sample t test (P≤0.05). Group 1: Increased NT (median 3.7 mm); 54 males, 27 females. Group 2: Normal NT (median 1.75 mm): 24 males, 20 females. RV MPI at 18–23 weeks was significantly greater in male fetuses with an increased NT compared to males with a normal NT suggesting a better global cardiac function at 18–23 weeks in male fetuses with a normal NT (P < 0.01). In females with an increased NT the DV PIV at 11–14 week was significantly greater than in females with a normal NT (P < 0.01). No other significant gender related differences in diastolic cardiac function in fetuses with increased or normal NT at 11–14 and 18–23 weeks were found. The DV PIV is increased in female fetuses with an increased NT compared to normal females at 11–14 weeks. The RV MPI is increased in male fetuses with an increased NT compared to normal males at 18–23 weeks. There appear to be no other gender related differences in diastolic cardiac function in fetuses with a normal or increased NT at 11–14 and 18–23 weeks.
cardiac function
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