
Syncristallisation Organique Avec Peritexie. Cas Du Système Binaire Fluoro-2 Naphtalene - Naphtol-2

Molecular crystals and liquid crystals(1979)

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The phase relations in the x 2-fluoronaphthalene-(1 - x) 2-naphthol system have been determined by X-ray diffraction, DTA and heating optical microscopy. Three stable solid phases occur: β which is a solid solution of 2-fluoronaphthalene in the low temperature form of 2-naphthol (OHII), α which is a solid solution of 2-fluoronaphthalene in the high temperature form of 2-naphthol (OHII) and α’ which is a solid solution of 2-naphthol in 2-fluoronaphthalene (FI). The structure of the β phase is derived from the ordered structure OHII (monoclinic, Ia, Z = 8) whereas the structure of the α and α’ phases are respectively derived from the disordered structures OHI and FI (monoclinic, P21/a, Z = 2). The main features of the phase diagram are a transition zone (II-I) for solid solutions rich in 2-naphthol, the limits of which at 293 K are x = 0.20 and x = 0.45 and a peritectic at T p = 338 K with a miscibility gap from x = 0.60 to x = 0.87; the limits of demixion at 293 K are x = 0.53 and x = 0.95. This example points out that volume relationships are not decisive in organic solid-state solubilities. Le diagramme de phases du systeme x fluoro-2 naphthalene-(I - x) naphtol-2 a été déterminé par méthodes radiocristallographique, thermique et optique. Il est de type Roozeboom IV avec un péritectique situé à x = 0.87 et à T p = 338 K. Il est caractérisé également par un phénomene de polymorphisme Il-I affectant des solutions solides riches en naphtol-2 (forme II: monoclinique, Ia, Z = 8 - forme I: monoclinique, P21/a, Z = 2, structure désordonnée). Cet exemple met en lumière l'insuffisance des seules considerations d'homéomorphisme moléculaire pour décrire les conditions de formation d'un cristal mixte organique.
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