Published quarterly in association with the British Cardiac Society


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Cardiovascular Research is mainly for the publicatioii of basic research. The range of subjects covered by the journal includes physiological, pathological, pharmaco- logical, biochemical, biophysical, haemodynaniic, stir- gical, and similar advances in the study of the heart and circulation. PAPERS. Papers for publication and letters to the Editor should be sent to the Editor, Carilicrascirlar. Research, B.M.A. House, Tavistock Square, London W.C.I. Contributors must send two copies of the text, Tables, and Figures. The Editor does not acccpt res- ponsibility for damage or loss of papers submitted. Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it con- tains original work which has not been previously published and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Permission to reproduce in whole or part must be obtained from the Editor. In addition to papers, which should be presented in a concise form, the Editor is prepared in certain circum- stances to accept short communications of up to about
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