Effect of sulfur and nitrogen nutrition on derepression of ferredoxin-sulfite reductase in leek seedlings

Journal of Plant Research(1996)

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The ferredoxin-sulfite reductase (Fd-SiR; hydrogen-sulfide: ferredoxin oxidoreductase, EC activities of shoot and root of leek (Allium tuberosum) were increased by sulfate limitation in the early stage of growth. Western blot analysis demonstrated an increased amount of SiRs in root under sulfate limitation, suggesting that SiRs were derepressed. The derepression was observed in shoot when 1.5 mM nitrate was supplied to the plants under sulfate limitation, and clearly in root when 15 mM nitrate was supplied under sulfate limitation. When nitrate was absent from the nutrient solution, the SiR activity in both tissues was very low. Combined with the results of the sulfate- or nitrate-limitation experiments, it is suggested that the degree of the derepression of SiR in both tissue under sulfate limitation is affected by the concentration of nitrate, and further that the mechanism of regulation of the SiR activity is different in each tissue. The decreases in the ratios of the total SiR activities (shoot/root) in the latter stage of seedling growth indicate that root play a very important role in sulfate assimilation.
allium tuberosum--ferredoxin-dependent enzyme -- nitrite reductase -- seedling development-- sulfate assimilation- sulfite reductase,Allium tuberosum,Ferredoxin-dependent enzyme,Nitrite reductase,Seedling development,Sulfate assimilation,Sulfite reductase
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