Message from the Workshop Chairs

CVPRW '14 Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops(2013)

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Welcome to VizSec 2009! The 6th International Workshop on Visualization for Cyber Security continues to provide a forum bringing researchers and practitioners in information visualization and security together to address the specific needs of the cyber security community through new and insightful visualization techniques. VizSec 2009 continues the established practice of alternating our meeting between research conferences focused on cybersecurity, and researchers focused on analytics. This provides a balance between “Viz” (visualization and analytics) and “Sec” (cybersecurity). This balance is important — as is the balance between practitioner goals and the interests of the long term researcher. While the immediate needs within the cybersecurity community are great, and visualization can provide much needed support, a focus only on the immediate analytical crisis will at best provide short bursts of improvement. Longer term research is also necessary, especially long term research that is undertaken with an eye towards improving the lot of the intended user. It is here that VizSec fills an important and unique niche.
workshop chairs,security and protection,design,security,miscellaneous,tram workshop chairs,documentation,systems and software,general,network communications,management,on-line information services,conference proceedings,unauthorized access,information visualization,cyber security
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