
Identification of label-retaining cells in nasopharyngeal epithelia and nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissues

Histochemistry and Cell Biology(2006)

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Adult stem cells can be identified by label-retaining cell (LRC) approach based on their ability to retain nucleoside analog, such as bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). We hypothesized that mouse nasopharynx contains a small population of epithelial stem/progenitor cells that may be detected by the LRC technique. To identify LRCs in mice nasopharyngeal epithelia, neonatal mice were intraperitoneally injected with BrdU twice daily for 3 consecutive days. After an 8-week chase, long-term BrdU-labeled LRCs (∼2% of cells) were detected in the adult mice nasopharyngeal epithelia by immunostaining with BrdU antibody and some of LRCs (∼12% of cells) were found to be recruited into the S phase of cell cycle with an additional radioactive thymidine-labeling technique, indicating that the stem cells also divide, most likely asymmetrically. To further investigate whether the LRCs existed in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) tissues, three NPC cell lines (5-8F, 6-10B and TMNE) were labeled with BrdU in vitro and then individually engrafted into the back of nude mice, which developed tumors. Again, label-retaining stem cells were found in all the three kinds of NPC xenograft tumors (∼0.3% of cells), around 16% of which were also labeled with radioactive thymidine. Thus, this study has demonstrated for the first time the presence of epithelial LRCs in mouse nasopharyngx and human NPC tissues and these stem-like LRCs are not completely quiescent, as they will be recruited into the cell cycle to participate physiological or pathological process at any moment. More importantly, our data showed that NPC also contained stem cells, which are most likely the cause for NPC spread, metastasis and recurrence.
nasopharyngeal carcinoma,label-retaining cells,adult stem cells,tumor stem cells
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