
Factores de riesgo en cirugía geriátrica: utilidad del índice Reiss Original

Fernando Fuertes, Corrado d'Urbano


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Summary Background: The use of the Risk Index in surgery is aimed to plan surgical strategy in order to achieve the best postoperative prognosis. In geriatric surgery, with higher morbimortality, the use of this index may be considerated as a part of the preoperative control. In this study we compared two risk index, ASA -widely employed- and Reiss -proposed recently-, with the aim of verifying which index offers better postoperative prognosis of complications. Methods: 276 patients, aged over 65 years, undergoing surgical treatment, were included in this study. At the preoperative period these patients were evaluated according ASA and Reis Index. During postoperative period the complications, incidence and morbimortality causes were recordered. A descriptive and analytical statistical study were performed, using the Chi square test and correlation analysis with the aim of analyzed which the morbimortality prognosis in our patients. Results: No significative correlation was observated be- tween ASA index and postoperative surgical complica- tions, but this index showed significant correlation with mortality recordered. Respect to Reiss index, the results show significative correlation according to mortality and morbility after surgery recordered in our patients. No sig- nificant correlation was found between the results of two index studied. Conclusions: The Reiss index offers better prognostic evaluation of postoperative outcome in geriatric surgery respect to ASA index. The Reiss index includes the evaluation of health status of the patient and evaluates another risk factors like type of surgical intervention and the surgical pathology. Both factors permits a best approach to evaluate postoperative prognostic of geriatric surgical patients.
geriatric surgery. surgical risk index. postoperative morbility. postoperative mortality.
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