An array processing system with a Fortran-based realization

Computer Graphics and Image Processing(1979)

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A general purpose array processing system called APS is described. The system is designed to simplify the programming and testing of image processing algorithms. The data structure for an image uses a bit-plane format rather than the more conventional sequential file. To assist with the processing of large arrays, APS features include dynamic array storage allocation and a virtual memory for arrays. This system was originally designed to simulate a binary array processor called BASE. As a consequence of this, program written in APS are well structured for parallel array processing. APS is written in Fortran for portability but contains some assembly code sections. The present version runs on a PDP 11 computer under the UNIX operating system. A library of image processing subroutines is being developed which is completely portable with respect to any machine which runs APS. The system has been coupled with a high-level language interpreter so that both high-level interactive programming and efficient execution can be achieved.
array processing system,fortran-based
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