Problemas de los hijos de madres con epilepsia


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SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: this study has the aim to assess main aspects dealing complications in siblings of epileptic mothers with emphasis on the causes that affect high rates of fetal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. DEVELOPMENT: malformations risks can be as high as 14%, mainly related to antiepileptic drug use during the first trimester, politherapy and to a prone genetic background. Malformations can be divided into major findings (cardiac defects, neural tube defects, genitourinary abnormalities and cleft lip / palate) and minor findings (fetal antiepileptic syndrome). Other important problems that may arise are those in psychomotor development and in learning abilities of which mechanisms are not yet clear nor the risk factors established. Finally, there is an increase of neonatal mortality, drug abstinence syndrome, hemorrhagic disorders, seizures, breast feeding problems, low birth weight and prematurity, these always associated with antiepileptics drug use. CONCLUSIONS: despite that epilepsy during pregnancy and its treatment carry on a certain degree of complications in the sibling, these problems can be diminished once the necessary measures as prenatal council and a handling are adapted by the mother from preconceptional period and during the whole gestation. K EY WORDS: Newborn, epilepsy, pregnancy, drug induced anomalies, child development (Acta Neurol Colomb 2005;21:73-81).
child development,risk factors
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