Contributions to the theory of syntax with bindings and to process algebra

Contributions to the theory of syntax with bindings and to process algebra(2010)

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We develop a theory of syntax with bindings, focusing on: methodological issues concerning the convenient representation of syntax; techniques for recursive definitions and inductive reasoning. Our approach consists of a combination of FOAS (First-Order Abstract Syntax) and HOAS (Higher-Order Abstract Syntax) and tries to take advantage of the best of both worlds. The connection between FOAS and HOAS follows some general patterns and is presented as a (formally certified) statement of adequacy. We also develop a general technique for proving bisimilarity in process algebra. Our technique, presented as a formal proof system, is applicable to a wide range of process algebras. The proof system is incremental , in that it allows building incrementally an a priori unknown bisimulation, and pattern-based, in that it works on equalities of process patterns (i.e., universally quantified equations of process terms containing process variables), thus taking advantage of equational reasoning in a “circular” manner, inside coinductive proof loops. All the work presented here has been formalized in the Isabelle theorem prover. The formalization is performed in a general setting: arbitrary many-sorted syntax with bindings and arbitrary SOS-specified process algebra in de Simone format. The usefulness of our techniques is illustrated by several formalized case studies: a development of call-by-name and call-by-value λ-calculus with constants, including Church-Rosser theorems, connection with de Bruijn representation, connection with other Isabelle formalizations, HOAS representation, and contituation-passing-style (CPS) transformation; a proof in HOAS of strong normalization for the polymorphic second-order λ-calculus (a.k.a. System F). We also indicate the outline and some details of the formal development.
coinductive proof loop,HOAS representation,process algebra,formal proof system,process pattern,process term,process variable,arbitrary SOS-specified process algebra,proof system,arbitrary many-sorted syntax
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