COMPSCI 767 S2 C 2006 Intelligent Software Agents


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1. Summary You need to do a literature survey on a topic concerning either intelligent autonomous agents, multiagent systems, or spatial/temporal reasoning. The goal of the survey is to help you find for your course project a research problem that you find interesting and on which you believe you can make a contribution. To do this you should look for a topic that sounds interesting. You then need to use the resources of the internet and the library to find out what are the current problems in that area. In particular, you need to find a problem that you want to work on and start finding out what approaches have already been tried and what their strengths and weaknesses are. The weaknesses are especially important as this should give you suggestions about where you might be able to make a contribution. This will involve finding papers that describe a problem and/or approaches to solving a problem. Given a number of different approaches, you may be able to organise them along several dimensions which can give you insight into what are possible approaches that have not yet been investigated.
autonomous agent
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