
Synchrotron Topographic Studies of the Effects of Elastic Stress on Magnetic Domain Configurations in Fe 3.5 Wt.% Si Single Crystals

Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms/Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms(1989)

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White beam synchrotron X-ray topography has been used to conduct in situ studies of the influence of applied elastic tensile stress on magnetic domain configurations in Fe 3.5 wt.% Si single crystals. Specimens of [011] tensile axis, and either (100) or (01̄1) surface orientation were utilized. Tensile stress was applied using a specially designed miniature tensile stage. In specimens of (01̄1) surface the characteristic Dijkstra and Martius type I structure is induced upon application of stress, eventually to be replaced by the type II structure. The transition is understandable in terms of stress-induced anisotropy. On the other hand, in specimens of (100) surface, the initial structure, which essentially consists of 90° walls perpendicular to the tensile axis, changes to one which mainly consists of (010) and (001) 180° walls. Both structures have approximately equal volumes magnetized along [001] and [010]. This suggests that the transition is not driven by induced anisotropy. Alternative explanations are discussed. Changes in domain configurations around inclusions are also discussed.
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