The importance of building positive relationships between Hispanic audiences and Major League Soccer franchises: a case study of the public relations challenges facing Houston 1836

Ric Jensen, Jason Sosa

Soccer & Society(2008)

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The intent of new professional sport franchises is to increase public awareness, build a brand and provide opportunity for positive media reports. Houston’s new Major League Soccer (MLS) franchise the Houston Dynamo, formally known as Houston 1836, failed to do this. As such, this essay covers a number of social issues such as the attitudes of Anglo‐Americans and Hispanics to professional soccer within the United States and how the MLS promotes its product to Hispanic audiences, while utilizing the efforts of the MLS to relocate its San Jose franchise to Houston for the 2006 season as an example. Additionally, the essay further analyses the extent to which the Houston franchise successfully used crisis communications methods to deal with this public relations challenge. Finally this case study attempts to reinforce the idea that MLS franchises must develop strategies to get Hispanics excited about the league in order to succeed.
interpersonal relations,social issues,attitudes,public relations,seasonality
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