Microbial Investigations in Opalinus Clay, an Argillaceous Formation under Evaluation as a Potential Host Rock for a Radioactive Waste Repository


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Various deep, compact, sedimentary formations have been studied in recent years as potential host rock for a repository for high-level, long-lived radioactive waste. Considering that microbial activities may influence radionuclide chemistry and migration in such environments, we investigated the potential presence of microorganisms in the Opalinus Clay formation, from unperturbed sediment samples (i.e., not affected by gallery excavation and borehole drilling) recovered under aseptic conditions in the Mont Terri Underground Rock Laboratory (Switzerland). A combination of molecular biology techniques and a cultivation-based approach suggested the presence of a few sparse autochthonous microbial cells in the Opalinus Clay. For the first time, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes were sequenced from enrichment cultures from such samples. The results suggested that at least two of the bacterial strains isolated were likely unknown species of the Sphingomonas and Alicyclobacillus genera, as their fully-sequenced 16S-rRNA genes shared less than 97% similarity with validly published sequences. Early genetic divergence occurring after physical isolation of bacterial ancestors in the geosphere by the sedimentation process or following later geological events may have resulted in the generation of particular taxa in the subsurface.
Opalinus Clay,16S-r RNA PCR,DNA sequencing,autochthonous microorganisms
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