At The Next Stop Sign, Turn Right: The Metalloprotease Tolloid-Related1 Controls The Defasciculation Of Motoaxons In Drosophila.


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Navigation of motoneuronal growth cones toward the somatic musculature in Drosophila serves as a model system to unravel the molecular mechanisms of axon guidance and target selection. In a large-scale mutagenesis screen, we identified piranha, a motor axon guidance mutant that shows strong defects in the neuromuscular connectivity pattern. In piranha mutant embryos, permanent defasciculation errors occur at specific choice points in all motor pathways. Positional cloning of piranha revealed point mutations in tolloid-related 1 (tlr1), an evolutionarily conserved gene encoding a secreted metalloprotease. Ectopic expression of Tlr1 in several tissues of piranha mutants, including hemocytes, completely restores the wild-type innervation pattern, indicating that Tlr1 functions cell non-autonomously. We further show that loss-of-function mutants of related metalloproteases do not have motor axon guidance defects and that the respective proteins cannot functionally replace Tlr1. tlr1, however, interacts with sidestep, a muscle-derived attractant. Double mutant larvae of tlr1 and sidestep show an additive phenotype and lack almost all neuromuscular junctions on ventral muscles, suggesting that Tlr1 functions together with Sidestep in the defasciculation process.
Drosophila, neuromuscular junction, motor axon guidance, motoneuron, metalloprotease, tolloid, tolkin, tolloid-related 1, sidestep, kuzbanian
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