
Influence of cold ischemia time, pretransplant anti-porcine antibodies, and donor/recipient size matching on hyperacute graft rejection after discordant porcine to cynomolgus kidney transplantation.


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Organs transplanted between phylogenetically disparate species, such as from the pig into the primate, are subject to hyperacute rejection (HAR). This form of xenograft rejection is mediated by preformed natural antibodies and is believed to occur invariably in discordant xenografts thus leading to rapid destruction and complete thrombosis of the graft. Recent data, however, have shown that in the porcine to cynomolgus monkey setting, HAR is not inevitably seen after porcine kidney transplantation. The influence of preoperative antiporcine antibody levels in the recipient, cold ischemia time, and donor organ weight on the onset of HAR was investigated by using unmodified large white pigs (aged 3-12 weeks) as organ donors and adult cynomolgus monkeys (aged 1.5-3.5 years) as recipients. Porcine kidney xenotransplantation was performed in either a non-life-supporting model (n=7) or in a life-supporting model (n=8), In both models, no correlation was found between cold ischemia time and HAR, When preoperative anti-porcine antibody levels were investigated, a significant increase in incidence of HAR was observed in animals with elevated anti-porcine IgM (P<0.05) but not IgG levels (P=NS), Interestingly, although 5 of 12 grafts with an organ weight of less than 50 g underwent HAR, none of three grafts with a donor organ weight of more than 70 g showed signs of HAR. In addition, all three larger grafts showed intraoperative and postoperative urine production, although only in 1 (48 g) of the 12 grafts weighing less than 50 g primary graft function was observed. In one animal, a second porcine kidney (23 g) was successfully transplanted (without HAR) immediately after HAR and subsequent removal of a first porcine kidney (20 g), These results indicate that in the porcine to cynomolgus monkey setting antiporcine IgM rather than IgG anti-porcine antibody levels seem to be of predominant importance for the induction of HAR. By increasing the donor organ size and weight the frequency of the onset of HAR can be at least reduced. This is most likely due to immunoabsorption of the recipients preformed antibodies in the porcine kidney without lethal damage for the graft.
transplantation,graft,donor/recipient,cold ischemia time,anti-porcine
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