A Unified Framework for Planning and Execution-Monitoring of Mobile Robots.

Automated Action Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots(2011)

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We present an original integration of high level planning and execution with incoming perceptual information from vision, SLAM, topological map segmentation and dialogue. The task of the robot system, implementing the integrated model, is to explore unknown areas and report detected objects to an operator, by speaking loudly. The knowledge base of the planner maintains a graph-based representation of the metric map that is dynamically constructed via an unsupervised topological segmentation method, and augmented with information about the type and position of detected objects, within the map, such as cars or containers. According to this knowledge the cognitive robot can infer strategies in so generating parametric plans that are instantiated from the perceptual processes. Finally, a model-based approach for the execution and control of the robot system is proposed to monitor, concurrently, the low level status of the system and the execution of the activities, in order to achieve the goal, instructed by the operator.
mobile robot,knowledge base,cognitive robotics
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