Exploring Client-Side Instrumentation for Personalized Search Intent Inference: Preliminary Experiments


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Clickthrough on search results have been successfully used to infer user interest and preferences, but are often noisy and potentially ambiguous. The reason mainly lies in that the clickthrough features are inherently a rep- resentation of the majority of user intents, rather than the information needs of the individual users for a given query instance. In this paper, we explore how to recover personalized search intent for each search instance, us- ing a more sensitive and rich client-side instrumentation (including mouse movements) to provide additional in- sights into the intent behind each query instance. We re- port preliminary results of learning to infer query intent over rich instrumentation of search result pages. In par- ticular, we explore whether we can automatically distin- guish the different query classes such as navigational vs. informational queries. Our preliminary results confirm our intuition that client-side instrumentation is superior for personalized user intent inference, and suggest in- teresting avenues for future exploration.
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