342 French national survey on the hyperglycemia management in acute coronary syndrome, comparison between coronary care units and out-of-hospital mobile emergency units practices

Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements(2010)

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Results The mains answers from the cardiologists and the emergency physicians (EP) are listed in the table. CCU n=125 SMUR n=245 Systematic glycemia dosage in patients with chest pain 55% 55% Systematic glycemia dosage in patients with ACS 59% 63% Specific insulin protocol in patients with ACS 55 14 Same hyperglycemia treatment for diabetic and non diabetic patient 52% 62% % of physicians who have already treated hyperglycemia during ACS 98% 37% Only 50 percent of the SMUR have insulin for out of hospital treatment. In the CCU the first result of glycemia is a capillary dosage for 64% and a blood dosage for 36%. The glycemia threshold for the insulin treatment ranges from 1 to 3 g/l. For 14% of EP there is no indication of hyperglycemia treatment during the out of hospital management of ACS. For 99% of cardiologists there is an indication of treatment by insulin for hyperglycemia during the ACS. Conclusion The early management of hyperglycemia in patients with ACS is more widespread in CCU than in out of hospital emergency context. Recommendations concerning early hyperglycemia management in patients with ACS have to be more spread among emergency physicians.
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