Simple Urodynamic Evaluation Of Incontinent Elderly Female Nursing-Home Patients - A Descriptive Analysis


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We present a descriptive analysis of the functional, mental, and urodynamic status of a population of incontinent elderly female nursing home patients. One hundred fifty-five intermediate care female patients with a mean age of 85.5 years were identified as being incontinent of urine at least once daily. After urologic evaluation, each patient was classified into one of four categories: incontinence with normal cystometrogram 68 (44 %), detrusor instability (DI) 52 (34 %), stress incontinence (SI) 27 (17 %), or overflow incontinence (OI) 7 (4 %). Thirteen weeks later, patients were again studied using simple water cystometry. At follow-up evaluation, 45 patients (33 %) had urodynamic findings which differed from the initial evaluation. Of these women, 10 with DI, 12 with SI, and 2 with OI were found to have normal cystometric parameters at the time of follow-up study, while 19 (14 %) who initially had normal cystometric findings had evidence of DI (11) or SI (3). Strong correlation between urinary incontinence in patients with normal cystometric findings and moderate to severe cognitive impairment was present. Simple urodynamic evaluation did identify patients with SI and OI who might benefit from specific therapy. Urodynamic evaluation of incontinent elderly female nursing home patients is indicated and may provide direction for planning treatment strategies.
simple urodynamic evaluation,elderly,nursing,patients
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