What'S New With Abet/Csab Integration

Dk Lidtke, L Saperstein,K Martin, D Bonnette


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The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET) and the Computing Sciences Accreditation Board (CSAB) signed a Memorandum of Agreement in November 1998 to integrate CSAB's accreditation services with ABET, with a transition time of approximately two years. During the interim period, the operations of the Computer Science Accreditation Commission (CSAC) are contracted by CSAB to ABET. A committee with CSAC, CSAB, and ABET representation is working to set up the new commission for accrediting programs in the computing sciences. This new commission will probably be called the Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC). Other activities are underway to try to assure that this integration goes as smoothly as possible.The panel members will discuss from various points of view the current status of the integration and plans for the completion of the integration. Kenneth Martin is a Past Chair of CSAC. Lee Saperstein is past Chair of EAC. Della Bonnette is a Past CSAC Chair and current Team Chair. Doris Lidtke is serving as Adjunct Accreditation Director for Computing at ABET and a Past President of CSAB.
current Team Chair,Past CSAC Chair,CSAB integration,Computing Sciences Accreditation Board,Computing Accreditation Commission,new commission,ABET representation,Past Chair,panel session,Accreditation Board,Computer Science Accreditation Commission,Adjunct Accreditation Director
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