A Thermodynamic Study of Mutant Forms ofStreptomycesSubtilisin Inhibitor. I. Hydrophobic Replacements at the Position of Met103

Journal of Molecular Biology(1995)

引用 24|浏览7
The thermodynamic effects of replacing the Met residue at amino acid position 103 ofStreptomycessubtilisin inhibitor with other non-polar aliphatic residues were studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry. All but the Leu mutant, which is as stable as the wild-type but has different cooperative units in the course of unfolding, showed destabilization in terms of free energy. Similar losses in free energy, however, were caused by different reasons, i.e. by increased entropy for the Ala mutant and by decreased enthalpy for the Ile mutant, with a tendency that increases in entropy are accompanied by increases in enthalpy. The gain in entropy that caused the largest loss in free energy for the Gly mutant was unexpectedly smaller than that for the Ala mutant. The changes in enthalpy and entropy induced by the mutations exhibited some correlations with hydrophobicity, while no clear correlation was found between the changes in free energy and hydrophobicity.
calorimetry,protein stability,hydrophobicity,folding intermediate,mutagenesis
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