Sustainable Coexistence of Ungulates and Trees: A Stakeholder Platform for Resource Use Negotiations

Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research(2008)

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Browsing by ungulates is broadly seen as a major problem for tree regeneration in Alpine forests. At the regional or local level, a resource management problem arises because there is still a lack of scientific knowledge about the long-term importance of herbivore impact on forest dynamics and because conflicting interests between different stakeholders such as foresters, hunters, farmers and nature conservationists persist. A common understanding of the problem and an agreement on the management aims are needed before an effective and broadly accepted wildlife and forest management strategy can be established. Within the framework of the Swiss National Research Programme 48 (NRP 48, Landscapes and Habitats of the Alps) we developed instruments and procedures for solving a regional forest–wildlife conflict in a mountainous environment by means of a ‘platform for resource use negotiation’ and collaborative learning. A management concept has been developed, in consultation with all the relevant stakeholders, defining the most appropriate measures for improving the situation and based on a common understanding and common objectives. Particular emphasis has been given to involving the scientists of two projects of the NRP 48 as stakeholders in the platform. The active involvement of scientists, and mutual learning between scientists and practitioners, facilitated the conflict-solving process and produced an added value as revealed by an external evaluation of the learning process. The platform project was carried out in four conceptual phases and contributes new transdisciplinary knowledge about how to structure and implement a process of problem solving in the field of resource use negotiations.
forest-wildlife-conflict · learning process · collaborative learning · mental modelling · integrated management strategy
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