
Initiation of Antiretroviral Treatment with Dual Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Infants with Less Advanced Disease in a Resource-Limited Setting: a Multi-Center Study in Thailand 1998-2000.


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OBJECTIVES:To evaluate the feasibility, duration of efficacy, and outcome of therapy with dual nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NTRI) initiated in HIV-infected infants with mild to moderate disease.MATERIAL AND METHOD:During 1998-2000, a multi-center prospective open-labeled operational study was conducted. Antiretroviral naôve HIV-infected infants were enrolled in seven hospitals to receive either zidovudine (AZT) plus lamivudine (3TC) or AZT plus didanosine (ddI). Infants who were in CDC stage "C3" were excluded from the study.RESULTS:Of the 88 infants, the mean age of treatment initiation was 6.8 months, and the mean initial CD4 was 1538 cells/mm3 (21.4%). The z-scores for weight and height increased after 4-8 months of treatment, and by the 24th month, were +0.89 and +0.69 higher than at enrollment. The CD4% peak increased at 8 months of treatment, by a mean increment of 4.19%, but decreased to the level of 1.08% above baseline by the 24th month of treatment. Three (3.4%) infants died, 11 (12%) had disease progression, 7 (8%) was prematurely discontinued from the study protocol due to poor compliance, and 37 (42%) were lost to follow-up. At the end of 24 months, all remaining 30 children were in stable condition with a chance of clinical and immunological stability of 34% and 68% by intention-to-treat and on-treatment analysis, respectively.CONCLUSION:Clinical and immunological benefit from dual NRTI was limited. Treatment of HIV-infected infant with mild to moderate disease in a resource-limited setting may have limited feasibility due to the high drop-out rate.
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