
Conjunctival Inflammatory Cells and Their Predictive Role for Deep Sclerectomy in Primary Open-angle Glaucoma and Exfoliation Glaucoma

Journal of glaucoma(2011)

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PURPOSE:To investigate the conjunctival inflammatory alterations of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and exfoliation glaucoma (ExG) and correlate the findings with the success of deep sclerectomy (DS) surgery and with the patients' medical history.METHODS:Altogether 25 POAG and ExG patients of the prospective DS study were divided, based on the diagnosis and success of the operation, into 4 groups, POAG S (success), POAG F (failure), ExG S, and ExG F. Controls were obtained from other ophthalmologic surgery patients who did not have glaucoma, and their conjunctiva was examined to be normal. Inflammatory cell subtypes in the conjunctiva were identified and quantified by using immunohistochemistry and monoclonal antibodies: CD3 (T-lymphocyte marker), CD4 (T-helper lymphocyte marker), CD8 (T-cytotoxic lymphocyte marker), CD20 (pan-B cell marker), CD38 (plasma cell marker), CD45RA (naïve T-cell marker), and CD68 (macrophage marker).RESULTS:Higher numbers of inflammatory cells were found in the conjunctiva of the glaucoma patients on medical treatment compared with the normal conjunctiva of the controls. Moreover, T-lymphocytes, T-helper lymphocytes, T-cytotoxic lymphocytes, B cells, plasma cells, and macrophages were found in significantly higher numbers in patients in whom DS failed during the follow-up period of 2.5 years than those with surgical success.CONCLUSIONS:High numbers of cytotoxic and helper T-lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages indicate a chronic inflammatory reaction in the conjunctiva of glaucoma patients. The chronic inflammation is most probably owing to the chronic topical treatment of the patients and seems to be a significant risk factor for DS surgery failure.
conjunctiva,inflammation,deep sclerectomy
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