
Study of the Factors of Degradation of the Culture of the Apricot Tree in the Area of Boukhmissa, Zone of Hodna, Wilaya of M'sila


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1 Abstract: The culture of the apricot tree in the area of Boukhmissa, wilaya of M'sila passes by one critical period which requires an immediate rectification; this degradation is due to several factors of a nature ecological, agronomic, economic and social. The climate change, the water quality of irrigation and the absence of a network of drainage are among the ecological elements which worsen this situation. The agronomic factor contributes in a direct way to this decline as the lack of diversity in varieties, the ageing of the orchards of apricot trees and the ignorance of the modern farming techniques by the farmers of the area. The lack of maintenance of the orchards is due to the economic factor because of the dearness of the products necessary like to their scarcities on the local market. Finally the social factor which will worsen even more this situation, because of the division continual of the orchards between heirs, the ageing of the hands of open specialized, the exodus of the young farmers towards other less painful activities and the last element it is the invasion of the masonries on the orchards, which will reduce way marked the surfaces devoted to the culture of the apricot tree. All these factors can cause a total renunciation of the orchards of apricot tree, which will end up disappearing with the profit from the urbanization or the replacement by other plant species like the olive-tree or cereals.
apricot tree ・ boukhmissa ・ factors of degradation ・ m'sila ・ arboriculture
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