
Metabolism of Progesterone and Testosterone in Human Parotid and Submandibular Salivary Glands in Vitro.

Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology/˜The œJournal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology(1993)

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Twenty-three parotid and twelve submandibular human salivary glands were used for analyzing in vitro metabolism of progesterone (P) and/or testosterone (T), in order to find out their possible contribution to the concentrations of salivary P or T. Glands were excised from 21 women and 14 men because of a stone, tumor or sialoadenitis, and the healthy tissue was used for incubation. The tissues were homogenized and incubated with 5 to 7 nmol/l of [14C]P or [14C]T for 2 h, extracted with methylacetate and subjected to two dimensional thin-layer chromatography. The thin-layer plates were autoradiographed, and the radioactivity of the different metabolites were counted to assess the amounts of metabolites formed. No lipoidal or conjugated steroids were formed. All of the radioactivity was associated with the free fraction of steroids. Both P and T were metabolized significantly more actively in male submandibular gland compared to male parotid gland (P < 0.05-0.01). No significant differences were found between female and male parotid glands, nor between the parotid glands of hormonally medicated (oral contraceptives or postmenopausal estrogen treatment) and non-medicated women. The submandibular glands more actively metabolized the steroids studied than the parotids (P < 0.01). The main metabolites were 20 alpha-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one for P, and androstenedione for T. In conclusion, the present results bring further evidence that the P or T levels in saliva may not be identical with the unbound steroid fraction in circulation, but a part of the steroids are metabolized in salivary glands. However, due to the rapid passage of steroids from blood to saliva, the metabolism demonstrated probably does not form an important source of error in salivary P and T measurements.
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