A novel combined laparoscopic-endoscopic cooperative approach for duodenal lesions.


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Purpose: A surgical approach with minimal invasion and excellent outcome for removal of duodenal lesions, using laparoscopic-endoscopic cooperative surgery (LECS), was established. Patients and Methods: Two patients underwent the resection of duodenal lesions with our novel LECS approach. Case 1 (age: 49 years; male) had a 20-mm 0-IIa-like lesion (group IV tumor on biopsy) in the duodenal bulb. LECS interventions, performed under general anesthesia, employed a total of four trocars. The extent of lesions was determined with the endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) technique. The affected duodenal wall was then perforated before a one fifth turn resection was performed to expose lesions of the whole layer. A tumor, confirmed under laparoscopy, was turned over toward the abdominal cavity to facilitate resection. Case 2 (age: 49 years; female) had 20-mm 0-IIc lesions (group III adenoma) located at the second portion of the duodenum. LECS procedures for duodenal resection were performed in a manner similar to case 1. A total of five trocars were used. Results: Histologic diagnosis of the tumor in case 1 was tubular adenoma with moderate atypia (size: 20 x 12 mm). As for case 2, histopathologic findings confirmed a tubular adenoma with moderate atypia (size: 18 x 18 mm) and an adenoma-negative surgical margin. The postoperative courses, in both cases, were uneventful. Conclusions: Although only 2 cases were surgically intervened with limited experience, the present novel LECS approach allowed a reliable, adequate resection of tumors located in the duodenum, with abbreviated operation times (156-179 versus 202-229 minutes), minimal bleeding, less postoperative stress imposed on the surgeons, and an uneventful postoperative course, compared to conventional surgical methods.
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