The inelastic mean free path of electrons. Past and present research


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The inelastic mean free path (IMFP) is a fundamental material parameter. Presently the IMFPs calculated by the TPP-2M predictive formula (NIST SRD 71) are generally used. Elastic peak electron spectroscopy (EPES) is proved to be adequate for experimental determination of the IMFP denoted by λe. λe is smaller then λi (TPP-2M) values, due to surface losses, characterized by the SEP (surface excitation) Pse material parameter. The present research is focused on the experimental determination of Pse based on Tanuma's work. The Tanuma factor fsT is the ratio of experimental Ie and calculated Ic elastic peak intensities Ie(E)/Ic(E). The detection angle dependent Ic is proportional to ΔΩ, the solid angle of detection. The angular Ic(E,ΔΩ,αd) was calculated applying the EPESWIN software of Jablonski. In our work, experimental data of Goto were analysed for Si and Ni. Recent angularly resolved AREPES results of Jablonski and Zemek were quantified by fitting them at the 42° CMA (cylindrical mirror analyser) angle to absolute data of Goto and applying fsT. The models and SEP material parameters published by Werner et al., Ding et al., Kwei et al., Jablonski–Zemek and Nagatomi–Goto (Ni) and our data obtained by modifying Chen's data (Si) have been tested. The best approach was obtained using data of Werner for Si, and data of Nagatomi for Ni. The SEP corrected IMFPs λeco were deduced. The EPES SEP parameters were valid for AREPES by averaging over αd=35–70°. EPES spectra are quantified by applying the backscattering yield.
Inelastic mean free path,Elastic peak electron spectroscopy,Surface excitation correction,Quantification based on Goto's data
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