
Production Of The Charmonium States Chi(C1) And Chi(C2) In Proton Nucleus Interactions At Root S=41.6 Gev

I. Abt,M. Adams,M. Agari,H. Albrecht,A. Aleksandrov,V. Amaral,A. Amorim,S. J. Aplin,V. Aushev,Y. Bagaturia,V. Balagura,M. Bargiotti,O. Barsukova,J. Bastos,J. Batista,C. Bauer,Th. S. Bauer,A. Belkov,Ar. Belkov,I. Belotelov,A. Bertin,B. Bobchenko,M. Boecker, A. Bogatyrev,G. Bohm,M. Braeuer,M. Bruinsma,M. Bruschi,P. Buchholz,T. Buran,J. Carvalho, P. Conde,C. Cruse,M. Dam,K. M. Danielsen,M. Danilov,S. De Castro,H. Deppe,X. Dong,H. B. Dreis,V. Egorytchev,K. Ehret,F. Eisele,D. Emeliyanov,S. Essenov,L. Fabbri,P. Faccioli,M. Feuerstack-Raible,J. Flammer,B. Fominykh,M. Funcke,Ll. Garrido,A. Gellrich,B. Giacobbe,J. Glaess,D. Goloubkov,Y. Golubkov,A. Golutvin,I. Golutvin,I. Gorbounov,A. Gorisek,O. Gouchtchine,D. C. Goulart, S. Gradl,W. Gradl,F. Grimaldi,J. Groth-Jensen,Yu. Guilitsky,J. D. Hansen,J. M. Hernandez,W. Hofmann,M. Hohlmann,T. Hott,W. Hulsbergen,U. Husemann,O. Igonkina,M. Ispiryan,T. Jagla,C. Jiang,H. Kapitza,S. Karabekyan,N. Karpenko,S. Keller,J. Kessler,F. Khasanov,Yu. Kiryushin,I. Kisel,E. Klinkby,K. T. Knoepfle,H. Kolanoski,S. Korpar,C. Krauss,P. Kreuzer,P. Krizan,D. Kruecker,S. Kupper,T. Kvaratskheliia,A. Lanyov,K. Lau,B. Lewendel,T. Lohse,B. Lomonosov,R. Maenner, R. Mankel,S. Masciocchi,I. Massa,I. Matchikhilian,G. Medin,M. Medinnis,M. Mevius,A. Michetti,Yu. Mikhailov,R. Mizuk,R. Muresan,M. Zur Nedden,M. Negodaev,M. Noerenberg,S. Nowak,M. T. Nunez Pardo De Vera,M. Ouchrif,F. Ould-Saada,C. Padilla,D. Peralta,R. Pernack,R. Pestotnik,B. Aa. Petersen,M. Piccinini,M. A. Pleier,M. Poli,V. Popov,D. Pose,S. Prystupa,V. Pugatch,Y. Pylypchenko,J. Pyrlik,K. Reeves,D. Ressing,H. Rick,I. Riu,P. Robmann,I. Rostovtseva,V. Rybnikov,F. Sanchez,A. Sbrizzi,M. Schmelling,B. Schmidt, A. Schreiner,H. Schroeder,U. Schwanke,A. J. Schwartz,A. S. Schwarz,B. Schwenninger,B. Schwingenheuer,F. Sciacca,N. Semprini-Cesari,S. Shuvalov,L. Silva, L. Soezueer,S. Solunin,A. Somov,S. Somov,J. Spengler,R. Spighi,A. Spiridonov,A. Stanovnik, M. Staric,C. Stegmann,H. S. Subramania,M. Symalla,I. Tikhomirov,M. Titov,I. Tsakov,U. Uwer,C. Van Eldik, Yu. Vassiliev,M. Villa,A. Vitale,I. Vukotic,H. Wahlberg,A. H. Walenta,M. Walter,J. J. Wang, D. Wegener,U. Werthenbach,H. Wolters,R. Wurth,A. Wurz,S. Xella-Hansen,Yu. Zaitsev,M. Zavertyaev,T. Zeuner,A. Zhelezov,Z. Zheng,R. Zimmermann,T. Zivko,A. Zoccoli


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A measurement of the ratio R-chi c = (chi(c) --> J/psi + gamma)/J/psi in pC, pTi, and pW interactions at 920 GeV/c (root s = 41.6 GeV) in the Feynman-x range -0.35 < x(F)(J/psi) < 0.15 is presented. Both mu(+)mu(-) and e(+)e(-) J/psi decay channels are observed with an overall statistics of about 15 000 chi(c) events, which is by far the largest available sample in pA collisions. The result is R chi(c) = 0.188 +/- 0.013(st-0.022sys)(+0.024) averaged ratio R-12 = R-chi c1/R-chi c2 is measured to be 1.02 +/- 0.40, leading to a cross section ratio sigma(chi(c1))/sigma(chi(c2)) = 0.57 +/- 0.23. The dependence of R-chi c on the Feynman-x of the J/psi, x(F)(J/psi), and its transverse momentum, p(T)(J/psi), is studied, as well as its dependence on the atomic number, A, of the target. For the first time, an extensive study of possible biases on R-chi c and R-12 due to the dependence of acceptance on the polarization states of J/psi and chi(c) is performed. By varying the polarization parameter, lambda(obs), of all produced J/psi's by two sigma around the value measured by HERA-B, and considering the maximum variation due to the possible chi(c1) and chi(c2) polarizations, it is shown that R-chi c could change by a factor between 1.02 and 1.21 and R-12 by a factor between 0.89 and 1.16.
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