Spectrally and radiometrically stable wide-band on-board calibration source for in-flight data validation in imaging spectroscopy applications

AERO '11 Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Aerospace Conference(2011)

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The quality of the quantitative spectral data collected by an imaging spectrometer instrument is critically dependent upon the accuracy of the spectral and radiometric calibration of the system. 12 In order for the collected spectra to be scientifically useful, the calibration of the instrument must be precisely known not only prior to but during data collection. Thus, in addition to a rigorous in-lab calibration procedure, the airborne instruments designed and built by the NASA/JPL Imaging Spectroscopy Group incorporate an on board calibrator (OBC) system with the instrument to provide auxiliary in-use system calibration data. The output of the OBC source illuminates a target panel on the backside of the foreoptics shutter both before and after data collection. The OBC and in-lab calibration data sets are then used to validate and post-process the collected spectral image data. The resulting accuracy of the spectrometer output data is therefore integrally dependent upon the stability of the OBC source. In this paper we describe the design and application of the latest iteration of this novel device developed at NASA/JPL which integrates a halogen-cycle source with a precisely designed fiber coupling system and a fiber-based intensity monitoring feedback loop. The OBC source in this Airborne Testbed Spectrometer was run over a period of 15 hours while both the radiometric and spectral stabilities of the output were measured and demonstrated stability to within 1% of nominal.
data collection,stable wide-band on-board calibration,auxiliary in-use system calibration,quantitative spectral data,in-flight data validation,spectrometer output data,spectral image data,imaging spectroscopy application,in-lab calibration data set,fiber coupling system,obc source,rigorous in-lab calibration procedure,radiometric calibration,calibration,feedback loop,imaging spectroscopy,detectors,spectral methods,stability,imaging spectrometer,calibrating,spectral imaging,radiometry,spectroscopy,data validation,thermal stability,imaging
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