A pearl-based multi-loop and multi-sequence controller


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The growing complexity of industrial automation systems is accompanied by the requirement for improved system dependability. From this point of view, when designing distributed, hierarchically organized automation systems, some high-level languages have to be used not only for software implementation but also for software design. Although the use of high-level programming languages for higher hierarchical levels is standard, this is not the case at the field-level where programmable controllers are placed, allowing the block oriented definition of closed-loop and sequence-controllers. Furthermore, a transparent multi-tasking software implementation is mostly missing. On the other hand, the real-time process-oriented automation language PEARL and its extension Multicomputer PEARL represents a standard allowing the scheduling of concurrent closed-loop and sequence control tasks for distributed systems in a very transparent way. The degree of transparency, achievable by its module concept, as well as its high-level multitasking and process-I/O concept, recommends PEARL not only for software implementation but, as well, for software design. A PEARL-oriented software design will also improve software dependability significantly, if it is systematically transformend to another implementation language wanted, e.g. the language C. In this paper, a controller will be decribed that can be graphically configurated and parametrized. The controller software has been designed in a PEARL-oriented way and has been implemented in PEARL as well. The system allows in a conceptually fully consistent way graphical, block-oriented configuration of closed-loop and sequence controllers beeing realized as independently scheduled tasks of programmable sample-time and interrupt, respectively. Control and sequence tasks can be mutually dependent via the process-I/O, and synchronized via RECEIVE/TRANSMIT communication blocks.
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