
Indoor Mite Allergen Levels, Specific Ige Prevalence and Ige Cross-Inhibition Pattern among Asthmatic Children in Haikou, Southern China


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Background Haikou locates in tropical island with unique mite propagation. The aim of this stuy is to determine mite allergens levels in Haikou, and to investigate the prevalence of mite specific IgE-sensitization and IgE cross-reactivity between house dust mites.Methods Allergen and antigen concentrations against six mite species were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Specific IgE concentrations and cross-inhibitions were measured with ADVIA Centaur (R).Results Allergen or antigen Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p 1), Blomia tropicalis (Blo t) and Tyrophagus putrescentia (Tyr p) were detected in dust samples. Dermatophagoides farinae (Der f 1), Lepidoglyphus destructor (Lep d 2), and Acarus siro (Aca s) were found in very few samples. Specific IgE tests showed high prevalence of sensitizations against all tested mites with high IgE levels to Der p, Der f, and Blo t. Storage mites, Blo t, Tyr p, Lep d, and Aca s, could inhibit Der p from 0 to 50%. Storage mites could inhibit Der f between 30% and 100%. Der p IgE could be inhibited by Der f with up to 90%, and vice versa. Der p could inhibit Blo t from 40% to 80%. Blo t was able to fully inhibit IgE binding to Lep d, Tyr p, and Aca s compared to partial inhibition by Der p.Conclusions Der p is the dominating mite and has the highest specific IgE prevalence among asthmatic children. Blo t represents an important source of storage mite sensitization and some patients may be independently sensitized to both Der p and Blo t. High prevalence of sensitization to Der f may be due to IgE-mediated cross-reactivity with Der p and Blo t. Chin Med J 2012;125(17):3059-3063
mites,allergens,specific IgE,cross-inhibition
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