
Probing The Effect Of The Non-Active-Site Mutation Y229w In New Delhi Metallo-Beta-Lactamase-1 By Site-Directed Mutagenesis, Kinetic Studies, And Molecular Dynamics Simulations

PLOS ONE(2013)

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New Delhi metallo-beta-lactmase-1 (NDM-1) has attracted extensive attention for its high catalytic activities of hydrolyzing almost all beta-lactam antibiotics. NDM-1 shows relatively higher similarity to subclass B1 metallo-beta-lactmases (M beta Ls), but its residue at position 229 is identical to that of B2/B3 M beta Ls, which is a Tyr instead of a B1-M beta L-conserved Trp. To elucidate the possible role of Y229 in the bioactivity of NDM-1, we performed mutagenesis study and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Although residue Y229 is spatially distant from the active site and not contacting directly with the substrate or zinc ions, the Y229W mutant was found to have higher k(cat) and K-m values than those of wild-type NDM-1, resulting in 1,7 fold increases in k(cat)/K-m values against tested antibiotics. In addition, our MD simulations illustrated the enhanced flexibility of Loop 2 upon Y229W mutation, which could increase the kinetics of both substrate entrance (kon) and product egress (koff). The enhanced flexibility of Loop 2 might allow the enzyme to adjust the geometry of its active site to accommodate substrates with different structures, broadening its substrate spectrum. This study indicated the possible role of the residue at position 229 in the evolution of NDM-1.
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