c-Jun NH2-terminal Kinase (JNK)-interacting Protein-3 (JIP3) Regulates Neuronal Axon Elongation in a Kinesin- and JNK-dependent Manner

Journal of Biological Chemistry(2013)

引用 60|浏览4
The development of neuronal polarity is essential for the establishment of the accurate patterning of neuronal circuits in the brain. However, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms that control rapid axon elongation during neuronal development. Here, we report that c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK)-interacting protein-3 (JIP3) is highly expressed at axon tips during the critical period for axon development. Using gain- and loss-of-function approaches, immunofluorescence analysis, and in utero electroporation, we find that JIP3 can enhance axon elongation in primary hippocampal neurons and cortical neurons in vivo. We further demonstrate that JIP3 promotes axon elongation in a kinesin- and JNK-dependent manner using several deletion mutants of JIP3. Next, we demonstrate that the successful transportation of JIP3 to axon tips by kinesin is a prerequisite for enhancing JNK phosphorylation in this area and therefore promotes axon elongation, constituting a novel mechanism for coupling JIP3 anterograde transport with JNK signaling at the distal axons and axon elongation. Finally, our immunofluorescence data suggest that the activation of JNK at axon tips facilitates axon elongation by modulating cofilin activity and actin filament dynamics. These findings may have important implications for our understanding of neuronal axon elongation during development.
Axon,Cofilin,Jun NH2-terminal Kinase (JNK),Kinesin,Neurons,JIP3,Axon Elongation
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