Study on load-shedding model based on improved power flow tracing method in power system risk assessment

Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies(2011)

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An improved method of load-shedding model based on power flow tracing is proposed in this paper. When the electric power system is in the process of over limit because of some faults or in the emergency situation, cutting part of load will make the system back to stability. This improved method provides a strategy for the load shedding procedure. Contribution factors and distribution factors between loads and generators are introduced in this paper. Those nodes with larger contribution factors and distribution factors will be selected to be adjusted. By this means it ensures that the adjustment on the overload lines is the most effective, while having little impact on the non-overload lines. By this way, it decreases the number of the nodes which should be regulated, which can improve the calculation speed and accuracy. The suggested method can be useful in the risk assessment of generation and transmission system for regulating power flow. In order to verify the algorithm proposed in this paper, the IEEE24-bus system is used and the result shows its validity, efficiency and accuracy.
electric generator,power system management,load flow,power system stability,generation system,power system risk assessment,emergency situation,contribution factor,electric power system,calculation speed,power flow tracing method,ieee24-bus system,load shedding model,risk assessment,risk management,load shedding,load distribution,transmission system,nonoverload line,electric generators,power flow tracing,distribution factor,power flow,mathematical model,generators,programming,power system
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