
Bridging the Gap Between Hardware and Software Open Source Network Developments

IEEE network(2014)

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The rise of network speeds to tens of gigabits per second poses a challenge to develop packet processing applications that can cope with such bit rates. Therefore, the need for a suitable open source system that can be used as a prototype platform to test new network functionality while ensuring line-rate processing, accurate timestamping, and reduced power consumption has become evident. All these requirements cannot be achieved by using software-only solutions, but rather with hardware-based platforms such as NetFPGA. The main obstacle when using this type of open source FPGA-based solution is the cost of development, in both time and hardware development skills required. The spread of new circuit synthesis tools using high-level languages opens the door for the development of hardware-based networking applications with reasonable development effort, compared to the use of traditional hardware description languages. In this article, we describe how existing open source hardware-based platforms for networking applications will be fueled by the change in the programming model of FPGAs provided by modern high-level synthesis tools. For this, we implemented a network flow monitor using high-level languages and compared the effort spent with respect to a traditional hardware development cycle. Preliminary results are very promising, given that development time is reduced from months to weeks.
Open systems,Field programmable gate arrays,Hardware design languages,Random access memory,Program processors,Monitoring,Open source software,Computer networks
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