Suggesting biomedical topics for unseen research articles based on MeSH descriptors


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Due to the huge number of research articles in the biomedical domain, it becomes more and more important to develop methods to find relevant articles of our specific research interests. Keyword extraction is a useful method to find important topics from documents and summarize their major information. Unfortunately, it is hard to select appropriate keywords extracted by traditional method of keyword extraction from specific research fields such as biomedical domain. Although human experts can support to understand details of the keywords, extra time should be required to read contents of the documents. In this paper, we propose a method for suggesting keyword-based topics for unseen biomedical research articles from PubMed. Our method uses MeSH descriptors to summarize each document by obtaining frequencies of them. The list of frequencies is used to make keyword suggestions for given documents based on the MeSH. In the experiments, we evaluate the performance of the method by measuring the accuracy of keyword suggestions for a given set of unseen documents.
document summarization,medical information systems,keyword suggestions,keyword-based topics,biomedical topic suggestion,mesh descriptor,biomedical domain,medical subject headings,information retrieval,keyword extraction,unseen biomedical research articles,frequency of keywords,document handling,mesh descriptors,pubmed,ontologies,accuracy,labeling,data mining,semantics
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