True Error Or False Alarm? Refining Astr'Ee'S Abstract Interpretation Results By Embedded Tester'S Automatic Model-Based Testing


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A failure of safety-critical software may cause high costs or even endanger human beings. Contemporary safety standards require to identify potential functional and non-functional hazards and to demonstrate that the software does not violate the relevant safety goals. Typically for ensuring functional program properties model-based testing is used while non-functional properties like occurrence of runtime errors are addressed by abstract interpretation-based static analysis. Hence the verification process is split into two distinct parts - currently without any synergy between them being exploited. In this article we present an approach to couple model-based testing with static analysis based on a tool coupling between Astree and BTC EmbeddedTester (R). Astree reports all potential runtime errors in C programs. This makes it possible to prove the absence of runtime errors, but typically users have to deal with false alarms, i.e. spurious notifications about potential runtime errors. Investigating alarms to find out whether they are true errors which have to be fixed, or whether they are false alarms can cause significant effort. The key idea of this work is to apply model-based testing to automatically find test cases for alarms reported by the static analyzer. When a test case reproducing the error has been found, it has been proven that it is a true error; when no error has been found with full test coverage, it has been proven to be a false alarm. This can significantly reduce the alarm analysis effort and reduces the level of expertise needed to perform the code-level software verification. We describe the underlying concept and report on experimental results and future work.
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