Data Ingestion in AsterixDB.


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In this paper we describe the support for data ingestion in AsterixDB, an open-source Big Data Management System (BDMS) that provides a platform for storage and analysis of large volumes of semi-structured data. Data feeds are a new mechanism for having continuous data arrive into a BDMS from external sources and incrementally populate a persisted dataset and associated indexes. We add a new BDMS architectural component, called a data feed, that makes a Big Data system the caretaker for functionality that used to live outside, and we show how it improves users’ lives and system performance. We show how to build the data feed component, architecturally, and how an enhanced user model can enable sharing of ingested data. We describe how to make this component fault-tolerant so the system manages input in the presence of failures. We also show how to make this component elastic so that variances in incoming data rates can be handled gracefully without data loss if/when desired. Results from initial experiments that evaluate scalability and fault-tolerance of AsterixDB data feeds facility are reported. We include an evaluation of built-in ingestion policies and study their effect as well on throughput and latency. An evaluation and comparison with a ‘glued’ together system formed from popular engines — Storm (for streaming) and MongoDB (for persistence) — is also included.
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