NRGcoin: Virtual currency for trading of renewable energy in smart grids

European Energy Market(2014)

引用 139|浏览21
In this paper we introduce a new decentralized digital currency, called NRGcoin. Prosumers in the smart grid trade locally produced renewable energy using NRGcoins, the value of which is determined on an open currency exchange market. Similar to Bitcoins, this currency offers numerous advantages over fiat currency, but unlike Bitcoins it is generated by injecting energy into the grid, rather than spending energy on computational power. In addition, we propose a novel trading paradigm for buying and selling green energy in the smart grid. Our mechanism achieves demand response by providing incentives to prosumers to balance their production and consumption out of their own self-interest. We study the advantages of our proposed currency over traditional money and environmental instruments, and explore its benefits for all parties in the smart grid.
foreign exchange trading,power markets,renewable energy sources,smart power grids,bitcoins,nrgcoin,currency exchange market,decentralized digital currency,green energy selling,renewable energy trading,smart grid trade,virtual currency,bitcoin,renewable energy,smart grids,production,supply and demand
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