Motion planning for robotic manipulators with independent wrist joints

Robotics and Automation(2014)

引用 26|浏览18
Advanced modern humanoid robots often have complex manipulators with a large number of degrees of freedom. Thus, motion planning for such manipulators is a very computationally challenging problem. However, often robotic manipulators allow the wrist degrees of freedom to be controlled independently from the configuration of the rest of the arm. In this paper we show how to split the high dimensional planning problem into two lower-dimensional sub-problems - planning for the main arm joints and planning for the wrist joints, without losing guarantees on completeness. This approach is an extension of our previously developed framework for planning with adaptive dimensionality. Experimentally, we show that this approach is very effective in speeding up planning for robotic arms on Willow Garage's PR2 platform. We compare our algorithm with several popular alternative approaches for performing motion planning for robotic arms. The results we observe illustrate that our algorithm provides a good balance between planning time, planning success rate, path consistency, and path quality.
humanoid robots,manipulators,mobile robots,motion control,path planning,Willow Garage's PR2 platform,degrees of freedom,high dimensional planning problem,humanoid robots,independent wrist joints,lower-dimensional subproblems,motion planning,path consistency,path quality,planning success rate,planning time,robotic arms,robotic manipulators,Heuristic Search,Manipulation Planning,Motion Planning,Planning Algorithms
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