Plasma injection technique for species separation and magnetic field penetration experiments

ICOPS) held with 2014 IEEE International Conference High-Power Particle Beams(2014)

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Summary form only given. We are studying species separation and magnetic field penetration in current-carrying plasmas in a coaxial plasma opening switch geometry1. PIC modeling has shown that these processes are dependent upon the radial density gradient and multi-species composition of the plasma2. Historically, flashboards, cable guns3, or an inverse pinch source4 have been used to inject plasma into the switch region before the main power pulse is applied. In this case, the plasma is injected using Marshall guns5, allowing greater control of the initial density gradient and composition than with other injection methods. A ribbon beam interferometer, in a Mach-Zehnder configuration, passes axially through the 4-cm-long, 2-cm-wide switch region to measure the radial dependence of the line-integrated electron density as a function of time. Measurements are taken both for the guns alone and during short circuit plasma opening switch shots on NRL's Hawk pulsed-power generator (640 kV, 700 kA, 1.2 μs rise time) to determine the initial density gradient and its evolution as the plasma interacts with the driving magnetic field. Experimental data are compared with previous opening switch experiments using Marshall guns and current particle-in-cell simulations.
electron density,plasma density,plasma diagnostics,plasma guns,plasma magnetohydrodynamics,plasma simulation,plasma switches,plasma transport processes,reversed field pinch,mach-zehnder configuration,marshall guns,nrl hawk pulsed-power generator,pic modeling,cable guns,coaxial plasma opening switch geometry,current 700 ka,current-carrying plasmas,driving magnetic field,flashboards,initial density gradient,inverse pinch source,line-integrated electron density,magnetic field penetration experiments,main power pulse,multi-species composition,opening switch experiments,particle-in-cell simulations,plasma injection technique,radial density gradient,radial dependence,ribbon beam interferometer,short circuit plasma opening switch,size 2 cm,size 4 cm,species separation,switch region,time 1.2 mus,voltage 640 kv,time measurement,plasmas,magnetic fields,switches
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