
Effect of stress on energy flux deviation of ultrasonic waves in GR/EP composites

Honolulu, HI(1990)

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ABSTRACT,on the flux deviation. Experimental measurement,of the flux deviation has Ultrasonic waves suffer energy flux been made by Kriz and Stinchcomb [4] deviation,in graphite/epoxy because,of,and ,Prosser ,[5] among ,others ,while the,large ,anisotropy. , The ,angle ,of measuring the elastic coefficients by deviation,is a,function,of the elastic ultrasonic methods., Kriz,[6] further coefficients. For nonlinear solids, showed that since the flux shift was a these coefficients and thus the angle function of the elastic coefficients, ofdeviation,is a,function,of stress.,it could,be used,to monitor,changes,in Acoustoelastic theory was used to model,the ,composite ,elasticity. , Thus the effect of stress on flux deviation,moisture absorption by the matrix and for,unidirectional ,T300/5208 using,fiber ,degradation ,which ,altered ,the previously,measured ,elastic,elastic ,coefficients ,could ,be coefficients., Computations were made determined ,by measurements ,of the for uniaxial stress along the x3 axis energy flux shift., (fiber axis) and the x1 axis for waves,In this research the effect of propagating,in the,x1x3 plane., These,stress ,on energy ,flux ,deviation ,was results,predict ,a shift ,as large ,as,modeled. , Due ,to nonlinear ,elastic three degrees for the quasi-transverse,effects, the energy flux deviation was wave. The shift in energy flux offers shown to be a function ,of stress. anew,nondestructive ,technique ,of,Second ,and ,third ,order ,elastic evaluating stress in composites.,coefficients for unidirectional T300/5208 gr/ep, previously measured by Prosser [5] and Wu and Prosser [7], were,used,in these,model,calculations. INTRODUCTION,The effect of uniaxial ,stress along both,the ,fiber ,direction ,(x3) and Inanisotropic media, the energy perpendicular to the fibers along the flux associated with an elastic,wave,laminate ,stacking ,direction ,(x1) was
carbon fibre reinforced plastics,stress measurement,ultrasonic materials testing,c,acoustoelastic theory,angle of deviation,elastic coefficients,energy flux deviation,fiber axis,graphite fiber reinforced epoxy resin composites,nondestructive technique,nonlinear solids,quasi-transverse wave,ultrasonic waves,uniaxial stress,energy flux,stacking,energy transfer,nist,wave propagation,axial stress,elasticity,tensile stress,vectors,anisotropic magnetoresistance
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