Plasma propagation speed and electron temperature in surface-discharged alternating-current plasma display panels

Las Vegas, NV, USA(2001)

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Summary form only given, as follows. The space and time-resolved discharge images from an alternating-current plasma display panels (ac-PDPs) has been observed by a high-speed single frame camera, and visualized as motion images. The time duration of the main discharge glow is. also shown to be about 200 ns and a faint light is continuously emitted even after 350 ns from the cathode in this experiment. It is found that glow occurs continuously at the cathode and striations are observed on the anode in a time duration between 100 ns and 300 ns of main discharge in ac-PDP. The propagation speed of surface-discharged plasma on the cathode has been measured to be 0.92 mm/$mu$s and 1.34 mn/$mu$s, respectively, while that for anode plasma has been measured to be 1.83 mm/$mu$s and 2.65 mm/$mu$s, respectively, for driving frequency of 50 kHz and 100 kHz. This fact indicates that the electron mobility on anode is approximately two times of that for ion on cathode electrode. Particularly, the electron temperatures in ac-PDP are found to be 1.15 eV and 2.45 eV for driving frequency of 50 kHz and 100 kHz, respectively, in this experiment. It is also noted that these electron temperatures are in good agreement with those from previous micro-Langmuir probe method in ac-PDP.
electron temperature,high-speed single frame camera,micro-langmuir probe method,high speed discharge images,plasma density,2.45 ev,high speed iccd camera,sustaining electrode gap,discharge glow,time duration,surface-discharged plasma,time-resolved discharge images,plasma propagation speed,surface-discharged alternating-current plasma display panels,electron mobility,plasma temperature,surface discharges,micro langmuir probe,space-resolved discharge images,1.15 ev,glow discharges,motion images,150 to 40 torr,1.8 to 0.8 ev,surface-discharge alternating-current plasma display panels,electron temperatures,plasma displays,langmuir probes,anode plasma,plasma transport processes,cathodes,voltage,plasma diagnostics,temperature measurement,visualization,electrons,anodes
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