A new image encryption algorithm based on compound chaotic sequence

Yuye Wang, Jingwen Wang

MIC), 2012 International Conference(2012)

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It has been one of the goals of cryptography to make the encryption algorithm simple, easy to implement and with high security. A new image encryption plan has designed using compound chaotic sequence. The encryption plan combines the sequence generated by one-dimensional and two-dimensional Logistic chaotic map to scramble the image, with the scrambling algorithm being simple, easy to implement and with good effects. The algorithm will perform an easy operation on the chaotic sequence generated, making it able to act as the subscript of the image pixel matrix. The image will then be scrambled according to the subscript determined by the sequence. Due to the randomlikeness of the chaotic sequence, the pixels obtained according to this method during the scrambling will also be random. Higher-dimensional chaotic system will be used to diffuse the pixels of the scrambled image and the sequence will be selected according to the conditions. The simulation results indicate that this method is highly effective. It has a wide key space and anti-attack ability.
chaos,cryptography,image coding,compound chaotic sequence,encryption plan,higher-dimensional chaotic system,image encryption,image pixel matrix,logistic chaotic map,scrambled image,scrambling algorithm,security,logistic mapping,higher-dimensional chaos,mathematics
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