
Computer Assisted Railway Control System for Sri Lanka Railways

Sayooran, N., Fernando, J.S., Mohamed, M.A., Thambugala, L.B.

ICINA), 2010 International Conference(2010)

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This paper describes about the design and implementation of the Computer Assisted Railway Control System for Sri Lanka Railways. Currently, the train traffic control system of Sri Lanka Railways has two control units. They are Outstation and Metropolitan control units. In the outstation unit, TDG (Time Distance Graph) is used to visualize the train movement and make decisions. Controllers spend more time in manually plotting the TDG than decision making and for reporting purposes the same data is re-entered. This leads to more time and money consumption. In the metropolitan unit, switch boards in illumination based panel is used to monitor and control train traffic. This panel has many drawbacks such as congested layout, unclear information and unreliable bulbs and switches. So at the end of the day, all these problems contribute to trains getting delayed. The proposed system is built using 4-tier networked architecture which addresses the aforementioned drawbacks and bottlenecks. Features such as TDG, TDG Designer, Track Designer, Dispatcher Control View, Rules Editor, Train Timetable, Traffic Control Playback, Auto Train Supervision and Reporting have helped to improve the overall operation of Centralized Train Traffic Controlling of Sri Lanka Railways. Moreover, the solution comprises a high performance and more reliable hardware unit with higher I/O capacity that provides a hardware interface between the proposed system and the existing electromechanical interlocking system. The solution was successfully tested at Maradana Control Office and Dematagoda Workshop with the presence of senior officials from Sri Lanka Railways and proved its potential for implementation.
centralised control,control engineering computing,electromechanical effects,rail traffic,railway engineering,4-tier networked architecture,Dematagoda workshop,I/O capacity,Maradana control office,Sri Lanka railway,TDG,centralized train traffic controlling,computer assisted railway control system,electromechanical interlocking system,hardware interface,metropolitan control unit,outstation control unit,time distance graph,train traffic control system,SCADA systems,centralized control,control systems,rail traffic control
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