Efficient navigation for anyshape holonomic mobile robots in dynamic environments

Intelligent Robots and Systems(2013)

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Platforms with holonomic drives are particularly interesting due to their maneuvering capabilities. Robots used for transportation tasks usually have a non-circular footprint. In this work, we present a navigation strategy for a holonomic mobile robot with anyshape footprint. Our technique introduces an efficient navigation method based on a strategy that makes use of discrete and continuous techniques. We introduce compact discrete intervals to represent the free space for computing fast-to-update plans. Based on these, we provide a continuous motion generation approach to generate smooth motions that are fast to compute. We evaluated our approach by running simulated experiments and by using a real holonomic L-shaped robot. Our experiments demonstrate that our technique can be carried out online and is able to smoothly drive the robot to its goal locations even in dynamic environments.
closed loop systems,infinite horizon,mobile robots,path planning,anyshape footprint,anyshape holonomic mobile robots,compact discrete intervals,continuous motion generation approach,continuous techniques,discrete techniques,dynamic environments,fast-to-update plans,holonomic L-shaped robot,noncircular footprint,robot maneuvering capabilities,robot navigation,smooth motion generation
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