
Lightwave: Waveform And Annotation Viewing And Editing In A Web Browser

Computing in Cardiology Conference(2013)

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This paper describes LightWAVE, recently-developed open-source software for viewing ECGs and other physiologic waveforms and associated annotations (event markers). It supports efficient interactive creation and modification of annotations, capabilities that are essential for building new collections of physiologic signals and time series for research.LightWAVE is constructed of components that interact in simple ways, making it straightforward to enhance or replace any of them. The back end (server) is a common gateway interface (CGI) application written in C for speed and efficiency. It retrieves data from its data repository (PhysioNet's open-access PhysioBank archives by default, or any set of files or web pages structured as in PhysioBank) and delivers them in response to requests generated by the front end. The front end (client) is a web application written in JavaScript. It runs within any modern web browser and does not require installation on the user's computer, tablet, or phone. Finally, LightWAVE's scribe is a tiny CGI application written in Perl, which records the user's edits in annotation files.LightWAVE's data repository, back end, and front end can be located on the same computer or on separate computers. The data repository may be split across multiple computers. For compatibility with the standard browser security model, the front end and the scribe must be loaded from the same domain.
Java,electrocardiography,information retrieval,medical computing,online front-ends,public domain software,time series,ECG,JavaScript,Perl,PhysioBank,Web application,annotation viewer,common gateway interface application,data repository,interactive creation,lightWAVE,modern Web browser,open-source software,physiologic waveforms,standard browser security model,time series,tiny CGI application,waveform and annotation viewing and editing,
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