Using semantic and structural similarities for indexing and searching scientific papers

CSAE), 2011 IEEE International Conference(2011)

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Finding relevant scientific documents from a huge set of academic papers is a challenging task and with the tremendous growth in electronic publication, locating the most relevant and related scientific documents when going through a new research paper is becoming even more challenging. In this paper, we present a new way of indexing and searching the scientific documents to assist researchers in finding relevant documents when coming across a new research document. In particular, we explored how DT-Tree (DocumentTerm-Tree) - a new structure for the representation of scientific documents - can be used to create an index of scientific documents. We used MVP-Tree to create index using DT-Tree representation of the documents. We then performed search experiments, using new scientific documents as queries, to show that relevant documents are retrieved when DT-Tree structures are used to create MVP-Tree.
document handling,electronic publishing,indexing,query processing,scientific information systems,tree data structures,dt-tree representation,documentterm-tree,mvp-tree,academic paper,electronic publication,research paper,scientific document representation,scientific paper indexing,scientific paper searching,semantic similarities,structural similarities,document clustering,semantic analysis,similarity measure,dimension reduction,index structures,k-means,key term extraction,search,sparsity,text mining,algorithm design,physics,algorithm design and analysis,k means,tree structure,indexation,silicon,semantics,structural similarity
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